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Go Radio Business show with Hunter, Haughey – and Grant Currie


Virtual FM and Virtual Services Group MD Grant Currie

Virtual Services Group MD Grant Currie recently appeared on the Go Radio Business Show to talk to two of Scotland’s most inspirational business leaders, Sir Tom Hunter and titan of the FM industry, Lord Willie Haughey. In his interview, Grant talks about his time at school, and being told that he’ll “never set the heather alight”; about starting off in business and the importance of learning from mistakes; and about Virtual Services Group, its growth from Virtual FM and what makes the Virtual approach different.

Over 25 years in facilities management as both a client and a provider, Grant has not only picked up a lot of experience but also some very pointed insight into how the industry tends to treat clients and staff. That insight shaped the ethos of Virtual FM. As a result, the Group has a strong focus on customer service, and giving clients what they need in a way that’s useful to them, and on treating staff fairly and creating a strong sense of culture.

And that focus on people became even stronger after the death of Grant and Adrienne’s daughter, Lauren. Losing Lauren changed Grant’s view of success, defining it less about profit and more about helping people. Grant and Adrienne established the Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation (LCTF) in Lauren’s memory, a charity supported by the Group which raises awareness about Vasculitis and supports people with the condition. And the Group has a strong philanthropic arm in the Virtual Community Foundation, which runs and supports a number of charitable and community initiatives, including Virtual Purpose – a social welfare programme which gives practical help and support to people who are marginalised and struggling to secure employment.

Listen to the broadcast interview here:


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